We plebs on Twitter were graced by a visit from Councillor Pam Palmer, Several people asked her questions but she didn't deign to reply to any of them; all her alleged tweets are listed below in full and they seem more like announcements than dialogue.
Caebrwyn asked: about filming meetings and entry restrictions to public gallery - and about changes to CCC constitution and publishing spending details, I await her replies
Towy71 asked I wonder if you can tell me which rule excludes members of public from "public meetings" and did you vote for that?
mjmilan asked: How does Chief Exec get to decide that no confidence vote in the leader won't be considered? Is this democratic? Also, how much discretion does Chief Exec have to make up and enforce rules that aren't in the standing orders?
"PamPalmerCCC Cefais fy mhlesio’n fawr iawn gyda safon y gofal a gynigir i gleifion yn Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman - hon oedd fy ymweliad cyntaf a’r ysbyty.
PamPalmerCCC I was really impressed with the level of care offered to patients at Amman Valley Hospital - this was my first visit.
PamPalmerCCC Oeddech chi'n gwybod – y plentyn cyntaf i gael ei geni o dan y GIG oedd Aneira Rees yn Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman ar 5 Gorffennaf 1948 am 12:01am
PamPalmerCCC Did you know that the first person to be born under the NHS was Aneira Rees at Amman Valley Hospital on July 5th 1948 at 12:01 am.
PamPalmerCCC Bron a llwgu. Mynd i lawr i'r bwyty yn Neuadd y Sir am frechdan gyflym cyn teithio i Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman ar gyfer cyfarfod.
5 hours ago
PamPalmerCCC Starving. Going down to the restaurant in County Hall for a sandwich efore travelling to Amman Valley Hospital for a meeting.
PamPalmerCCC Jyst wedi dod nôl o gyfarfod am effeithlonrwydd ynni. Rydym yn edrych ar bob math o ddewisiadau ar gyfer arbed ynni ar draws y cyngor.
6 hours ago
PamPalmerCCC Just come back from as meeting about energy efficiency. We're looking at all sorts of options for saving energy throughout the council.
PamPalmerCCC Wedi treulio peth amser bore ‘ma yn mynd drwy'r papurau ar gyfer cyfarfod y Cyngor Sir yfory. Dylai fod yn gyfarfod diddorol!
PamPalmerCCC Spent some time this morning going through the papers for tomorrow's meeting of County Council. It should be an interesting meeting!
PamPalmerCCC Cymru’n rhagorol ar y penwythnos. Er fy mod yn dod o Loegr rwy'n falch o fy nghenedl fabwysiedig. Gall y Saeson ddysgu gwersi wrth y Cymry.
PamPalmerCCC Wales impressive on weekend. Though English by birth I’m proud of my adopted nation. English team could learn lessons from Welsh squad.
PamPalmerCCC Wedi bod yn ymweld â dynes o’r ardal yn ystod yr awr ginio. Problem anodd ei datrys, ond byddaf yn gwneud fy ngorau.
PamPalmerCCC Visited constituent lunch time - lovely lady. Difficult problem to resolve though.
PamPalmerCCC Wedi bod mewn cyfarfod trwy'r bore, delio gyda chydraddoldeb a materion yn ymwneud a'r iaith Gymraeg.
PamPalmerCCC Been in a meeting all morning, equalities and Welsh language issues."